More than 530 KEuro for Smart Farming in Trentino

The ELEDIA Research Center is pleased to announce that the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’università e della ricerca – MIUR) has approved the funding of the National Project

“WATERTECH – Smart Community per lo Sviluppo e l’Applicazione di Tecnologie di Monitoraggio Innovative per le Reti di Distribuzione Idrica negli usi idropotabili ed agricoli”

with a total budget of 12 MEuro, of which more than 530 KEuro for the Trento Research Unit (ELEDIA@DICAM, UniTN) coordinated by Prof. Paolo ROCCA.

The WATERTECH Project, which has won the National Call for Project Ideas “Smart cities and communities and Social Innovation”, will be devoted to the development of technological platforms for smart farming and precision agriculture, with the fundamental objective of improving agricultural productivity while conserving and enhancing natural resources to increase global food supplies on a sustainable basis. The ELEDIA Team @UniTN will have the responsibility to study and develop wireless technologies based on IoT (internet-of-things) and Artificial Intelligence for precision farming.

The initiative will also benefit from the sinergic activities already developed in Trentino by the ELEDIA team for the smart farming of orchards and vineyards, including the SEASON Project currently in development in collaboration with Azienda Agricola Pisoni.