Progetto MITIGO: Mitigazione dei rischi naturali per la sicurezza e la mobilita nelle aree montane del Mezzogiorno

How to reduce hydro-geological and seismic risks in mountain urban areas?

The #MITIGO project, started in September 2020 and coordinated by Università degli Studi della Basilicata, is devoted to the assessment, the monitoring and the design of innovative systems for land protection and people safety in critical areas where rockfalls, earthquakes, lack of services and mobility difficulties can create many risks and disadvantages.

In this framework, ELEDIA@UniTN research team will focus on the development of innovative approaches for real-time data processing, alerting, and visualization of heterogeneous information.

Find out more about MITIGO:
The project is possible thanks to Unione Europea (Fondo Sociale Europeo), Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, PON Ricerca e Innovazione.

#ELEDIA#ELEDIAResearchCenter#landprotection#MITIGO#innovativesystems#seismicrisks#criticalareasUniversità degli Studi della BasilicataUniversità di Trento