Presenting SnATCH, the project that monitor the health of cultural heritage site.

We are delighted to share an exciting research project called #SnATCH that has made significant strides in the area of “Technologies applied to #Cultural #Heritage.” Supported by the Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, the SnATCH project was part of the cooperation program between #Italy and #Japan from 2017 to 2019.

This #successful project was carried out by the dedicated #research teams ELEDIA@UniTN at the Università di Trento (Italy) and ELEDIA@UniNAGA at the Nagasaki University (Japan), both of which are part of the ELEDIA Research Center.

The primary objective of the SnATCH project was to harness #wireless technologies to enhance the quality of #structural #health #monitoring (#SHM) in the realm of cultural heritage. By utilizing low-cost #distributed wireless #sensors, the project focused on measuring various parameters such as #vibrations and #inclinations. These measurements were then processed in real-time using #smart #inversion #algorithms to detect any anomalies that could potentially compromise the #structural #integrity of ancient #buildings, often housing valuable artworks in museums. This innovative solution is of great interest to museum managers who require non-#invasive and #continuous #monitoring of multiple parameters within historical buildings.

To learn more about this project and discover other initiatives in the realm of cultural heritage, check out our website:

#ELEDIA #SnATCH #CulturalHeritage #WirelessTechnologies #StructuralHealthMonitoring #SHM #InversionAlgorithms #ResearchCollaboration #Italy #Japan