News for the SHARON Project

The ELEDIA Research Center is pleased to announce an upgrade of the online demonstration #SHARON #Decision #Support #System.

#SHARON (#SearcH And #Rescue OperatioN assistant) is designed to support civil defense and #mountain #rescue #agencies for searching missing people in mountain areas. The #DSS provides #simulations and #heatmaps of the target user #presence #probability in space and time accordingly to her/his profile and interests. Moreover, it supports #decision #makers for the planning
of the search operations.

While research activities are focused on the #AI-based #planning and #coordination support, the #online #demonstrator has been upgraded with a new #interactive#realtime#3D #map environment that works fluently on standard #web #browsers.

ELEDIA is working with the Servizio Provinciale Trentino del Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico to develop #SHARON.

Read more about SHARON research project at

#ELEDIA #research Università di Trento Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico Trentino #missing #lost #people #mountains #rescue #operations #3D #simulation #WorldWindNASA