HPC-School 2022 in Scientific and High Performance Computing

The ELEDIA Research Center is pleased to announce that Prof. Paolo Rocca and Dr. Alessandro Polo, from the ELEDIA team, will be lecturers at the #HPC-School 2022 in #Scientific and #High #Performance #Computing, held in Trento (Italy) from August 29th to September 2nd, 2022!

In the last day of the School, they will focus on the exploitation of HPC and #parallel #programming for solving complex #multiphysics #engineering #problems by means of #Stochastic/Global Nature-Inspired #Optimization #Methodologies. The lecture will include #theory as well as hands-on #demonstrations and #exercises involving state-of-the-art #simulators and #parallelization #environments.

Find out more: https://mas.unitn.it

Università di Trento #DICAM #ELEDIA #HPC #Optimization #ANSYS #MATLAB #MPI #OpenMP