Ending of Tsinghua University course on ‘Inverse Scattering and EM Imaging – Theory, Technique, and Applications’

📸 We want to express our sincere #gratitude to all the exceptional attendees of the official Tsinghua University course on ‘Inverse Scattering and EM Imaging – Theory, Technique, and
Applications’! 🙌🏼✨

Your dedication, enthusiasm, active engagement, thought-provoking questions, insightful discussions, and eagerness to learn truly made this course a resounding success. 👏🏼💡

We are also very grateful to Prof. YANG Fan and Prof. LI Maokun for their extraordinary efforts and kindness: your commitment to fostering educational excellence is truly commendable. We also extend our deepest appreciation to the Tsinghua University for providing the platform and support to make this course possible. 🎓🏫

Let us carry forward the momentum and continue to explore new frontiers in #inverse #scattering and #EM #imaging. We encourage you all to stay connected, share your experiences, and keep nurturing this vibrant community of learners! 💪🌍

Università di Trento Tsinghua University
#grateful #success #community #university #engagement #kindness #thankyou #share #course