
The activities of ELEDIA@UTB include the study, design, and development of wireless systems for distributed monitoring applied in the framework of smart cities. Innovative methodologies and data analytics strategies are integrated in such systems to support the decision-making of end-users in different application fields. One of the first examples of application is the monitoring of agricultural farms. The research staff is focusing the attention to the specific requirements and constraints suggested by farmers in Brunei Darussalam.

Example of wireless monitoring of a rice farm in Brunei Darussalam

The investigated solutions aim to improve the quality of the communication and data acquisition in farm lands using wireless technologies to improve the farmers’ awareness. The wireless devices and sensors are designed to measure local information and support farmers activities. The environmental information are exploited to monitor the status of the crops as well as to detect events that can harm the cultivations, such as insects infestation.
Other activities are currently under development to investigate innovative solutions for smart cities applications, including healthcare monitoring and emergency event detection through smart wireless sensors. As an example, the understanding of the daily mood and emotions of classroom is of interest in UTB to enhance the learning-teaching progress.

General framework of wearable sensor data processing for behaviour monitoring

Participation to International Conferences

The ELEDIA Research Center has organized the Special Session “Decision support strategies based on wireless sensing and monitoring for smart cities management” at the IEEE Second International Smart Cities Conference (IEEE-ISC2 2016), 12-15 September, 2016, Trento, Italy. The ELEDIA@UTB participates with the talk “A Cross-Layer Framework for Sensor Data Aggregation for IoT Applications in Smart Cities” by A. Alkhamisi, M. Saleem Haja Nazmudeen, and S. M. Buhari.

Joint Publications

  • H. Ahmadi, M. S. Dao, E. Giarola, A. Polo, F. Robol, F. Viani, and A. Massa, “Distributed wireless sensing, monitoring, and decision support: Current activities @ ELEDIA Research Center,” Atti XXI Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo (XXI RiNEm), Parma, 12-14 Settembre 2016.