
ELEDIA @ USIL - University of San Ignacio de Loyola

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Email: atacchino[at], antonio.tacchinodelpino[at]

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Director ELEDIA @ USIL


TACCHINO DEL PINO Antonio is a Mechanical-Electrical Engineer from the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería and Master in Administration from the Universidad del Pacífico. He has carried out studies at the OIT Education Center in Torino (Italy) in Creation and Administration of Business Administration Services. He has worked for 10 years in business development projects for ADEX, financed by the USAID in the metal-mechanic, tailoring, shoes, wood, jewelry and crafts areas. He was the Director of SENATI in Lima and its 9 offices. He has been National Director of Crafts of the Foreign Commerce and Tourism Ministry. He has also been a consultant for the Direction of Prompex (PromPerú today), Foreign Commerce Manager of important metal-mechanic companies and acquisitions consultant for mining companies in Nicaragua, Colombia and Ecuador. He was President of the Metal-Mechanic Committee, Vice-President of the Engineering and Consultancy Services, member of ADEX committee and was part of the Coordination Table PYME (Small and Medium Businesses) of the Ministry of Industry. In the academic area, he was been professor of Master of Business Technologic Management at the UNI and started his work at USIL with the creation of the Promotion and Management of Exportations program, having later several positions as Director that allowed the development of the Business Development Center, the School of Culinary Arts and the program of Industrial and Commercial Engineering. He is currently Dean of the College Engineering and Architecture.