%0 Generic %A Poli, Lorenzo %A Manica, Luca %A Rocca, Paolo %A Massa, Andrea %D 2011 %F elediasc12:458 %T Subarrayed Time-Modulated Arrays with Minimum Power Losses %U http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/458/ %X In recent years, several works have been devoted to show the potentialities of time-modulated arrays (TMAs) [1][2]. It is now well-established that TMAs synthesize low-sidelobe average patterns by using a set of simple on off radio frequency (RF) switches that modulate the static excitation weights. Moreover, a fast and simple control of the radiation pattern is enabled by just modifying the pulse sequence of RF switches. By exploiting this latter property, it would be of great interest for practical array applications the possibility of reconfiguring the pattern just modifying a reduced number of control elements [3][4] in order to simplify the overall feeding network architecture. %Z This version is a pre-print of the final version available at IEEE.