@misc{elediasc12435, title = {Analysis of Perturbed Fractals for Antenna Synthesis}, author = {Leonardo Lizzi and Andrea Massa}, month = {January}, year = {2011}, note = {This version is a pre-print of the final version available at IEEE.}, url = {http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/435/}, abstract = {In the last years there has been an increasing demand for compact and multi-service systems driven by the great expansion of telecommunications sectors such as mobile telephony or personal communications. The development of these systems involves the synthesis of innovative antennas characterized by small dimensions and able to manage simultaneously different communication standards [1]. In this framework, fractal-shaped antennas are promising solutions thanks to their properties. Among them, the self-similarity property and the possibility to shrink an infinite-length curve in a finite area make fractal geometries excellent candidates for both multi-band [2][3] and miniaturization [4] purposes. However, standard fractal-shaped antennas, as the Koch monopole [5], usually present an harmonic behavior rather than a real multi-band behavior. Possible solutions to such a limitation are based on the perturbation of the fractal shape [6][7] in order to increase the degrees of freedom during the synthesis process for better tuning and controlling the working frequencies of the arising structure.} }