%L elediasc12415 %K Microwave Imaging, Multi-View System, Iterative Multi-Scaling Approach, Experimental Data. %A Massimo Donelli %A Davide Franceschini %A Gabriele Franceschini %A Andrea Massa %X The reconstruction capabilities of a microwave imaging algorithm can be enhanced by exploiting a multi-view measurement set-up. In the past, different researches have proved that collecting scattering data by probing the unknown scenario from different incidence angles, it allows to acquire more information on the scenario when the Iterative Multi-Scaling Approach (IMSA) is used to fully exploit multi-view data. In fact, unlike synthetic data, in real enviroment more measurements introduce larger systematic errors that could affect the physical constraints used in the inversion procedure and, consequently, the reconstruction process. Thus, the analysis is carried out by considering a set of experimental data concerning different scattering configurations involving single and multiple dielectric scatterers. %D 2004 %T Effective Exploitation of Multi-View Data through the Iterative Multi-Scaling Method - An Experimental Assessment %I University of Trento