@misc{elediasc12362, title = {Effective Exploitation of the Information Content of Noisy Data in Inverse Scattering Problems: a Fuzzy-Logic-Based Strategy}, author = {Aronne Casagranda and Massimo Donelli and Davide Franceschini and Andrea Massa}, month = {January}, year = {2010}, url = {http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/362/}, abstract = {One of the main drawbacks when dealing with inverse scattering problems is their intrinsic ill-conditioned nature, emphasized by the presence of the noise in the measured data. The proposed fuzzy system allows to take into account the corrupted nature of the data in a simple and effective way. The effectiveness of the proposed inversion strate4gy is shown by comparing the achieved results with those obtained with state-of-the art inverse scattering techniques.} }