%0 Generic %A Benedetti, Manuel %A Donelli, Massimo %A Pastorino, Matteo %A Rosani, Andrea %A Massa, Andrea %D 2011 %F elediasc12:360 %T Detection of Multiple Defects in Industrial Products by Means of a Non-Destructive Microwave Approach %U http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/360/ %X This paper proposes an approach for the detection of multiple defects inside a known host medium. Two innovative GA-based techniques are developed by using different strategies for the minimization of a suitably defined cost function. The first implementation is based on a set of parallel GA-based optimization sub-processes, whereas the other consists of a single process based on a variable length coding of the GA chromosomes. A set of representative test cases is analyzed for assessing potentialities and current limitations of the proposed strategy.