%T Automatic design and optimization of an EMI filter using commercially-available components %I University of Trento %L elediasc12336 %D 2007 %A Renzo Azaro %A Luca Ioriatti %A Mauro Martinelli %A Andrea Massa %X Designing customized EMI filters is a challenging task since the choice of the circuit topology as well as of the discrete values of the electric components, for satisfying multiple electrical requirements, is not trivial and no-standard guidelines are available. In this letter, an approach based on a particle swarm optimizer, used in conjunction with a circuital simulator, is described. By using equivalent models of commercial components, such a method allows the synthesis of reliable and ready-to-build filters. As an example, a filter prototype is realized and its efficiency assessed through numerical and experimental evaluations. This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in Electronics Letters and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at IET Digital Library.