@techreport{elediasc12300, month = {January}, title = {Smart Antennas Control in Complex Scenarios Through a Memory Enhanced PSO-Based Optimization Approach}, publisher = {University of Trento}, year = {2008}, type = {Technical Report}, author = {Renzo Azaro and Manuel Benedetti and Francesco De Natale and Andrea Massa}, institution = {University of Trento}, url = {http://www.eledia.org/students-reports/300/}, abstract = {In the framework of control methods for adaptive phased-arrays, this paper describes an innovative technique based on a memory enhanced optimization for dealing with complex scenarios and system models. Compared to other existing approaches working with far-field interferences, such a method focus on realistic situations where jamming sources are located both in the near-field or in the far-field of the antenna. Moreover, the effects of the mutual coupling are taken into account. A set of selected numerical results are presented in order to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique.} }